“Asian Series” Dance Championships Asian Dance Organisers 1. The Purpose The purpose of the “Asian Series” Dance Championships is to determine the competitors’ annual rankings in Asia, by points accumulated in these championships and to promote the development and the enhancement of dance, as well as, the technical improvement of competitors of member countries of the Asian Dance Organisers, (herein after, stated as ADO). 2. Official Recognition and the Organisation of Championships. The ADO shall grant recognition of the Championships and shall be organised and run by the member organisers. 3. The Place and the Number of Championships The Championships shall be conducted once annually per country by the member …
Article I. Name The name of the organization is Asian Dance Organisers. The official abbreviation is ADO. Article II. Headquarters The Headquarters/Registered Office of the Asian Dance Organisers shall be the residence of the President currently holding office. Article III. Official Language The official language to be used in meetings, correspondence and reports shall be English. Documents may be translated into the local languages of the ADO members for distribution. Article IV. ADO ADO is the assembly of Competitive Dance Organisers in Asia. Article V. Purpose To conduct dance competitions in Asia in order to educate, enhance, and promote the “Art of Dancing” in Asia. To provide intra co-operation within the ADO by sending the …